Digital painting created using ArtRage 3.0
January 2012
At ten past six in the evening on Wednesday 25th January, my darling Sapphire was euthanized at the age of 15 years and 8 months. In his last few months we’d noticed him becoming slower in his movements and that he’d been losing weight. In the last week, he seemed to have lost all feeling in his right hind leg. The vet, after detecting a lump in his abdomen which was causing him pain, decided his prognosis was poor due to his age and the likelihood that the lump was cancerous and most probably inoperable. He will always be remembered for his extreme affection, especially in his later years, and his funny ways. Here follows a biography I wrote about Sapphire back in 2008 on this blog:
“Sapphire is a big neutered male 12 year old shorthair cat we have had since he was 2 months old. Scarlett and Saff (as he is known for short, or Saffy) have never liked each other, and pretty much can't stand being in the same room together, except if it's a big room. He is the greediest of the three cats and eats more than his fair share.
He hasn't had as many misadventures in his life as Scarlett, for example, he's never been pregnant, but has had poor health over the last few years to with the bladder, and is slightly overweight so he is on a diet (less food less often). Once his collar got stuck in his mouth, and we thought he broke his jaw. The name comes from the fact that his eyes were once blue but turned greeny.
Saff's funny habits include preference for paper above plush carpet to sleep on, peeing in the bath, sleeping near the toilet, dribbling while he "kneads", sleeping with his head in people's slippers, sounds like ET when he's unhappy. His favourite human food is carrots, and likes playing ice hockey with carrot tops in the kitchen, and also likes food meant for other animals, such as algae-based catfish food.”
Since I wrote that, I also wrote this, which appeared in the “blook” I self-published a couple of years back:
“Sapphire is now a world-famous racecar driver, and has brought out a range of fragrances for men and women called Essence. He’s also become very affectionate of late, and will sit on anybody’s lap.”
Here are a few photographs from throughout Sapphire's life:
Sapphire sheltering from the rain under the barbecue
Sapphire lying on my newly-fitted bedroom carpet
c. 2000
Sapphire as a kitten
Sapphire letting us know he wants to come in!
c. 2000
Sapphire having a roll around in the garden
Sapphire lying in a basket
c. 2003
Sapphire as a kitten
Sapphire waiting for dinner
Sapphire resting on one of his favourite spots
Sapphire on my bed
Sapphire and Dolly on my bed
Sapphire under the delusion he can fit inside a shoe box
Sapphire up close and personal
Sapphire resting on a book

Sapphire sitting on my printer
Sapphire, 1996-2012